
site-specific installation (used-up firework launchers) | variable dimension | 2013-2020


“The explosion is associated with the culmination, the highest point on the curve, the final stage, following the plateau phase. (…) The fundamental quality of fireworks is their elusiveness: the immaterial flash disappears after a moment, and the remaining matter is just waste. Used-up firework packaging is an inseparable element of the landscape after mass events. Orzechowska has been collecting them for years, creating installations, using them as window and wall fillers. Monumental architecture perfectly reduces sound and improves acoustics. There is a certain dialectic in the installation: what was spectacular a moment before now turns into useless rubbish, what was a loud shot, now insulates against sound.” (J. K.)1

“Patrycja Orzechowska is concerned with an event that took place in another time in an unknown place in her work Wall. The main story has already been told. The fireworks have already gone off and we can only hope that someone saw it. It must have been a hell of a show somewhere some time. A show that now takes place in the minds of others, translated and remembered in unforeseen ways.” (J. N.)2

(1) Joanna Kobyłt, from the leaflet to the exhibition Retrogradacja, SiC Gallery BWA, Wrocław 2018
(2) Jonas Nobel, from the leaflet to the exhibition Please, Call Stella!, CCoA Znaki Czasu, Toruń 2013

Photos by Alicja Kielan, Wojciech Olech, Patrycja Orzechowska, Daniel Rumiancew



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